Korea University College of Health Science

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convergence research for a healthier world, korea university college of health science

Health science is an applied science field that addresses issues related to the human body and healthcare. While medical science aims to diagnose and heal the sick, health science also considers the collective health of individuals and the community to create a healthier society.

Disciplines in the 21st century are often unable to solve social issues without interacting with other studies. Academic fields of diverse roots such as engineering, science and social science need to tear down walls that exist in current academia. Together, they must seek ways to promote healthcare through cooperation and collaboration.

Korea University’s College of Health Science was launched in 2006 to meet the demands of times. The college comprises of the School of Biomedical Engineering that focuses on medical technologies; the School of Biosystem and Biomedical Science where the essence of biological phenomenon are investigated; the School of Health and Environmental Science that analyses and applies environmental factors to healthcare; and the School of Health Policy and Management that seeks to identify and resolve social and institutional problems. Here, traditional academic fields, those that were previously considered unrelated, work hand in hand to achieve the common goal of promoting human health. In this aspect, the College of Health Science naturally pursues interdisciplinary studies.

The College of Health Science at Korea University provides solutions to create a better society from the standpoint of healthcare by approaching the human body and health holistically, from the neuron to the neighborhood. We are presently living in a world with growing disparity; while the society is rapidly aging in developed countries, 25,000 people die from starvation every day in underdeveloped countries. The College of Health Science is working to overcome such challenges rather than avoiding them.

As the pioneer of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and social science integrated college in Korea, we strive to emerge as one of the global leaders in health science by implementing better approaches to solving various issues in the field.

We thank you in advance for your interest and support.