Public Health Science
As the Korean society gets more advanced, the need for healthy lives grows at the same time. As a result, the need for health care policies and institutions as well as health sciences becomes larger than ever before. The importance of public health science research will continue to increase since the changes above come from the people who want to promote the quality of life and health.
The Department of Public Health Sciences started in March 2008 as the first graduate department in College of Health Science, and has now grown into a program with 150 students and more than 20 professors. Its aim is trans-disciplinary research at cellular, individual, population and policy level with eight majors. After being selected as the only public health program in the BJK21PLUS Program in 2013, we are making endless efforts to cultivate world-class trans-disciplinary future researchers of public health sciences through renewed cross-cutting curriculum and collaborative research endeavors.
With the vision of “health for all” at the national and global level, we educate students to become public health leaders with the ability to design and implement policies and programs for the health promotion of the mankind. We hope that you will join our efforts in creating a healthy and prosperous future.
- Major in Health Policy & Management
- Major in Epidemiology & Risk Management
- Major in Rehabilitation Sciences
- Major in Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering
- Major in Environmental Health Sciences
- Major in Biomedical & Food Sciences